When you walk into Country Markets, you'll find crisp, bright, beautiful displays of fruits and vegetables. Our selection of produce is at peak freshness, with competitive pricing. We buy directly from the market, with no middle man, so our customers are getting the best merchandise at the best price.
When possible, we source from local farms in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. Local crops are picked at their peak ripeness and most nutrient-dense state. This is something we care about, and think you will too!
Our selection and variety go beyond conventional produce. We carry an abundance of organic produce, from apples to kale to beets. We also offer many vegan options, including tofu products, Veganaise and dairy-free cheeses.
To make healthy eating and cooking easier for our customers, we have a wide selection of cut fruits, cut vegetables and prepared salads, perfect for on-the-go.
Looking for something special and can't find it? Ask Mike, our produce manager. He'll do his best to get you what you're looking for within two days.

We’re Here to Help!
Looking for something special and can't find it? Ask Mike, our produce manager. He'll do his best to get you what you're looking for within two days.